About Us
Our core focus at Longhi is contemporary living. While mindful of changes in taste, our manufacturing roots run deep. The variety of items we offer – furnishing accessories, sliding glass room dividers, doors for interiors, sofas – is the result of a consistent global corporate strategy that addresses every aspect of the production process, from prototype development and applied technology to customer service and communication. Our catalogs are regularly updated with collections that reflect the values of a clear design philosophy: comfort and functionality first, followed by a design vision that makes each element – whether it’s a small table, a door, or an entire wall – fit into a coordinated system, with an understated, elegant appeal.

All LONGHI products are supplied with certificate of Quality and Authenticity as a guarantee against any imitation. The materials used for all the products are of high quality, manufactured by qualified staff and carefully checked all along the production process. As required by law, LONGHI S.p.a. guarantees all products. The guarantee refers to original product manufacturing defects and consists of replacement or repair, free of charge, of the unusable or defective parts, ascertained and acknowledged as such by LONGHI S.p.a. or its representative.The guarantee does not cover damages due to normal wear over time, illegitimate use or due to force majeur. Moreover, the guarantee does not cover defects of non-compliance that cannot be attributed to LONGHI S.p.a. -e.g. incorrect assembling of the products and/or assembling not complying with the assembling instructions- The guarantee is not valid in case of unassembled products, modified or repaired by anyone who is not authorized by LONGHI S.p.a.The guarantee does not cover customer own leather or fabric. Leather is a natural product that preserves, also when worked, some aspects that qualify its origin withoutchanging its durability, long life and quality: the signs of the dowel, wrinkles, a difference of “grain” are to be considered peculiarities and not defects. Even the natural adjustment of the “padding” cannot be considered a defect.All the marbles and soft quartzite commissioned by LONGHI S.p.a. are manufactured with CNC technology. Each slab is in Class 1, that means selected for quality and country of origin. Each type of stone supplied, is extracted only by cutting or drilling and expanding the sides of the block without the use of any kind of explosive. Processing that guarantees the integrity of natural stone. Selected valuable and precious stones like Frappuccino, Emperador, Agatha Black etc. have unique chromatic characteristics that even if brought to a possible compactness are as hard as particularly fragile. Wood is a living material: any small movements with variations in temperature and humidity are quite natural and should be considered characteristics of the furniture piece. To exercise the rights deriving from this Guarantee, this “Certificate of Guarantee” and buying invoice shall be forwarded to LONGHI S.p.a. and they have to be retained for entire period during which the guarantee is valid.